About us

Our vision is to continue to develop KunstIndustrien's products with a focus on sustainability and good craftsmanship of high quality. At the same time, we continuously work to add new products and concepts to our portfolio.
Our history
The story of Kunstindustrien started long before the former owners Ib and Jette opened a shop opposite Kunstindustrimuseet in Bredgade in Copenhagen in 1993. The background was that Ib had learned to mold candles from his former father-in-law, who had been molding candles since the 1950s, and Jette and Ib decided that this should be the basis of their business.
Throughout the years, quality was crucial for the family, and there has been ongoing experimentation with both candle mass, wicks and casting techniques to arrive at the unique wax altar candles as we know them today. The wax altar candles are the company's signature product.
The candles gradually became more and more popular and approx. 10 years after the start-up in Bredgade, a wholesale trade was established.
Over the years, a number of other products have been added, including colored dipped candles, candlesticks, hurricanes, candle accessories, Living by Heart, ANIA and much more. Most of the products are Kunstindustrien's own design, which means you won't find them anywhere else.
KunstIndustrien is today owned by entrepreneurs Britta and Steen Frost.
Who are we
Steen Frost
Management & Sales
Britta Frost
Administration, Fairs & New customers
Benjamin - studenter medhjælp
Olivér - student assistant
Nikolas - studenter medhjælp
Manuel - studenter medhjælp
Customer and order handling
Aleksandra - student assistant
Jørgen - pedel
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